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This is Flight
Flight logo 2022

Flight is a brand devoted to making readers smile, with the quick wit of its writers and myriad stories about food, fun and family in North Georgia. 

The brand was established in 2019 as an email newsletter, one that takes itself about as seriously as its logo — yes, its founders know chickens don't fly. Its entertaining tone quickly made it a fan favorite, and today it's delivered weekly to more than 10,000 readers. The newsletter is produced by members of The Times newsroom in Gainesville. Each edition includes the latest news on the local dining scene, upcoming events in North Georgia and feature stories that highlight some of the good in the world.

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The Times office closing early due to storm. Customer care, news operations continue
03222024 TheTimes 3
The Times is located at 345 Green St., Gainesville. - photo by Scott Rogers
The Times offices will be closing early at 2:30 Thursday, Sept. 26, and will be closed Friday, Sept. 27.
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