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Kitchen Inspections July 24-27
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JULY 24 Chattahoochee Country Club Snack Bar 3000 Club Drive, Gainesville Score: 87, Grade: B Food handler had open drink can on shelf over prep table where portioning of mayonnaise was taking place. Cheese sauce cooling from last night in large lexan container with temperature of 52 F. Cooling must be accomplished from 135 F to 70 in two hours and from 135 F to 41 within a total six hours. Inspector: Laurie Wentworth Marco’s Pizza No.
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Kitchen inspections Aug. 7-11
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AUG. 7 El Sombrero No. 5 3640 Mundy Mill Road, Suite 136, Gainesville Score: 82, Grade: B Two containers of cheese dip in upright reach-in cooler in deep hotel pans filled 3/4 full cooling from yesterday with temperatures of 44F-47 F. Two large hotel pans of cooked chicken burrito filling filled to 3/4 full cooling in walk-in cooler from yesterday with temperatures of 54-57 F. Most current inspection not posted and inspection that is posted is not where public can view from 1 foot away, posted on side wall at cash register. Sprayer used to fill water glasses in bar has a hook for hanging but is most often being laid in the ice bin at the drink dispenser.
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