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It's much nicer to say 'hush' instead of 'shut up'
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A while back, a transplanted Yankee sat down beside me at a luncheon and proceeded to explain what had compelled her to uproot herself from generations of Northern influence and move South."I was visiting a friend here and one of her neighbors had stopped by to visit with her 3-year-old in tow," the woman recalled. "The little girl started to act cranky, so her mother leaned down and said softly but firmly, ‘Hush.’ I decided right then and there that I wanted to live here."I looked puzzled and tilted my head. "I don’t understand."The woman smiled.
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Guest column, Bob Willis: The resurgence of tariffs in American policy
Bob Willis
Bob Willis
President Trump made tariffs a centerpiece of his 2024 political campaign. During his first term, he significantly increased tariffs. Now, he is levying substantial tariffs on imports via executive orders with additional tariffs and increases widely expected.
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