‘Night of Laughter’
When: 6 p.m. Feb. 23
Where: Riverside Military Academy, 2001 Riverside Drive, Gainesville
Tickets: $40 for adults, $20 for students
More info: 678-450-5998
Laughter may make for superior medicine, but in this case, it also helps to put a roof over a deserving family’s head.
On Feb. 23, the Habitat for Humanity of Hall County’s Habitat High Program will host a "Night of Laughter" featuring James Gregory, "the funniest man in America," at Riverside Military Academy.
Gregory’s humor has been featured on syndicated radio shows nationally and his comedy "turns the clock back to a time when life was simpler ... a time when people sat on the front porch and actually talked to each other without a cell phone in their ear."
According to his biography, Gregory delights in poking fun at modern sensitive parents and out-of-control environmentalists. He has been quoted as saying, "If you want me to be concerned about endangered species, you need to convince me that we’re about out of chickens."
Tickets for the family friendly show at the school, 2001 Riverside Drive in Gainesville, are $40 for adults and $20 for students. The ticket price includes the show and dinner.
Doors will open at 6 p.m. the day of the comedy show, dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and there will be a drawing at 9 p.m.
Proceeds from the show will benefit Habitat High, which is a joint venture between the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, the Hall County School System and the Gainesville-Hall County Home Builders Association.
Habitat High gives students taking advanced construction courses the opportunity to gain real-world experience, while also making a difference in their community.
This is the sixth year for the program and students have already completed eight homes for families chosen by Habitat for Humanity.