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Fernbank exhibit shares tales of animal rescue
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ATLANTA — A new exhibit opening next month gives visitors a chance to experience animal rescues around the world in an interactive program.

Fernbank Museum of Natural History's Wildlife Rescue, opening Feb. 4, shares compelling stories of animal rescues, including how seabirds are saved from environmental disasters and what happens to orphaned baby elephants.

The exhibit, which runs through May 6, allows visitors to experience the excitement of rescuing and returning diverse creatures back to the wild as they explore the emerging science of restoration biology that is saving animals from the brink of extinction.

Wildlife Rescue also profiles the passionate rescuers who dedicate their lives to the effort. Through interactive elements, visitors step into rescue efforts and learn the innovative science involved.

The exhibition also allows visitors to experiment with techniques and tools used by rescuers through hands-on components and multimedia experiences, and even "visit" an elephant orphanage and orangutan sanctuary.

Attendees can explore the innovative methods used to capture, raise and release endangered species, including elephants, orangutans, pandas, whooping cranes, sturgeon, Iberian lynxes, prairie dogs, American burying beetles and other species.

The exhibit is included with museum admission: $17.50 adults, $16.50 students and seniors, $15.50 ages 3 to 12, free to members and ages 2 and younger.

Fernbank Museum of Natural History is located at 767 Clifton Road, NE in Atlanta. Tickets and visitor information are available online at or by phone at 404-929-6300 (information) and 404-929-6400 (tickets).

Local celebrities face off in dance contest to raise money for 3 charities
Dancing for a Cause set for Aug. 26
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Anjana Freeman and dance instructor Jonathan Bryant practice at the North Geogia School of Music and Dance for the 2017 Dancing for a Cause. The event raises funds for three local charities.
Some call it the “best fundraiser in town.” The fourth annual Dancing for a Cause will bring dinner, dancing and competition to the Chattahoochee Country Club on Aug. 26 as 10 local “celebrities” vie for the coveted Mirror Ball . The event, which begins with dinner at 7 p.m. and the show following at 8 p.m., is a fundraiser for three local charities: Gainesville-Hall County Alliance for Literacy, Center Point and Rape Response Inc.
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