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Santa makes an early fall arrival at Oakwood car show
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Secret Santa Car Show

When: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Oct. 8

Where: Hayes Chrysler, 3115 Frontage Road, Oakwood

How much: Visitors free, $20 car registration

More info: Tony Tankersley, 770-536-4985

Christmas in October? Well, it's not quite time to hang the stockings, but Santa will be making an early stop in Oakwood again this year.

The Secret Santa Car Show returns to Oakwood on Oct. 8 for a second year in an effort to provide children in the city with a brighter Christmas.

Participants and spectators are invited to the event, to be held at Hayes Chrysler in Oakwood.

The Secret Santa Car Show is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Proceeds from the event will be used in a "Secret Santa" program for children of Oakwood.

"The proceeds from the show will go to buy toys, clothing and essential items for children in the city of Oakwood who otherwise wouldn't have such a bright Christmas," said Oakwood events chairwoman Sheri Millwood.

Millwood said that last year's show had 150 cars registered, and event planners are hoping to have 200 sign up this year.

With close to 30 awards up for grabs by car show participants, there will surely be some interesting rides on display. Awards will include best in show, best paint, ladies choice and others.

In addition to the cars on display, participants can check out motorcycles and rock crawlers. The Flowery Branch High School Physics club will showcase its electric go-cart.

The festivities will also include live music performed by The Martin Adams Band and The Longstreet Station.

Santa will arrive by fire truck at 11 a.m. to visit with the crowd and help collect donations. Family activities will keep the kids entertained throughout the day.

"This event is about food, fun, cars and fellowship," Millwood said. "We want to turn this into more than a car show; we want it to become more of a fall festival over time."

Car registration begins at 9 a.m. Saturday with judging at noon. There is a minimum $20 donation for participants who want to put their rides on display.

Oakwood city employees will be grilling hot dogs, with other food available.

For more information, contact Tony Tankersley at 770-536-4985 or visit the website.

Local celebrities face off in dance contest to raise money for 3 charities
Dancing for a Cause set for Aug. 26
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Anjana Freeman and dance instructor Jonathan Bryant practice at the North Geogia School of Music and Dance for the 2017 Dancing for a Cause. The event raises funds for three local charities.
Some call it the “best fundraiser in town.” The fourth annual Dancing for a Cause will bring dinner, dancing and competition to the Chattahoochee Country Club on Aug. 26 as 10 local “celebrities” vie for the coveted Mirror Ball . The event, which begins with dinner at 7 p.m. and the show following at 8 p.m., is a fundraiser for three local charities: Gainesville-Hall County Alliance for Literacy, Center Point and Rape Response Inc.
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