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2 die, 2 others sent to hospital after I-85 wreck
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A single-vehicle wreck on I-85 Wednesday morning killed two people and sent two others to the hospital with serious injuries, the Georgia State Patrol said by email.

The wreck, which happened before 10 a.m., was in the southbound lanes at mile marker 136, about a mile south of the U.S. 129 exit in Jefferson, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation website.

The GSP said a 2004 Ford Excursion veered off the road. The driver overcorrected and the SUV turned over and hit a tree, the GSP said.

Four people were in the vehicle. The driver and front-seat passenger were killed. The back-seat passengers were injured and taken to the Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville.

The passengers were ejected from the vehicle, the GSP said.

Jefferson Fire/Rescue and the Jackson County EMS responded to the accident about 9:41 a.m., Nichols said.

One person was trapped under the vehicle, Nichols’ report said.

The fatalities were a man in his mid-20s and a woman in her mid-40s, the report said. Those injured were reported to be a woman in her late teens and a man in his mid-40s. Injuries for both were reported to be serious.

Traffic was backed up, and Steve Nichols, director of the Jackson County Emergency Services, said both lanes of traffic were blocked for about 45 minutes.

The investigation is continuing. Names of those in the vehicle will be released after the family is notified, the GSP said.

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A retail development is proposed in South Hall. Rendering from Hall County planning documents
A commercial center featuring retail, convenience store, fast-food restaurant and self-storage is proposed in South Hall.
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