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5 new projects to watch in New Holland area
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The site of a future Gainesville Pinnacle Bank is currently being graded Wednesday, May 8, 2019, in New Holland. The bank is only one of several other construction projects happening in New Holland as more business and residential come to the area. - photo by Scott Rogers
While grabbing lunch or a tank of gas in New Holland these days, you might notice construction crews scrambling all over the area.
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Deal Elementary Principal Keri Smith honored with this award
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Sandra Deal Elementary Principal Keri Smith with former Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal. Smith was given the Sandra Deal Excellence in Education Award by the Georgia Commission on Women. The award celebrates educators who exemplify the values and dedication of the late Sandra Deal, Georgia’s former First Lady. - photo by Hall County Schools
Sandra Dunagan Deal Elementary Principal Keri Smith has been named a recipient of the Sandra Deal Excellence in Education Award by the Georgia Commission on Women.
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