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Ask The Times: No changes coming to Memorial Park-Old Flowery Branch crossing
09292017 ASKroads
The intersection of Old Flowery Branch Road and Memorial Park Road is shown Sept. 21 in Gainesville. - photo by David Barnes

If you’ve been wondering about something in your community, Ask The Times is your place to get answers. The following question was submitted by a reader and answered through the efforts of our news staff.

Are there any plans to improve the intersection at Old Flowery Branch Road and Memorial Park Road where the four-way stop is now? At peak times traffic is backed up on Browns Bridge Road trying to make right- and left-hand turns onto Memorial Park Road. Drivers are cutting through parking lots and making illegal left turns onto Old Flowery Branch from Browns Bridge trying to get through this intersection.

“There aren’t any intersection improvement plans at this location,” Hall County planning director Srikanth Yamala wrote in an email.

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Gainesville father, son charged with separately molesting same girl
Reymundo Castillo and Edgar Jovanny Razo
Reymundo Castillo, left, and Edgar Jovanny Razo
A Gainesville man and his son were charged with molesting the same girl separately in allegations stemming back to 2014, according to authorities.
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