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Average Thanksgiving dinner costs less than $50
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Allison Jackson, assistant manager at Bojangles', brings out a fully cooked fried turkey the restaurant will be selling Thanksgiving in Gainesville, on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017. - photo by David Barnes
America’s average Thanksgiving dinner costs less than $50 in 2017. Sitting down to turkey and most of the trimmings costs $49.12 this year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. The biggest piece of that meal is the turkey, which gobbles in at $22.38, or about $1.40 per pound based on the average adult turkey.
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‘Tragic on so many different levels’: Gainesville man sentenced in child molestation case
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Christopher Lewis attends his sentencing Thursday, March 27, 2025, in Hall County Superior Court. Lewis was found guilty of molesting a 13-year-old girl. - photo by Scott Rogers
A Gainesville teen texted her friend about being molested. She wrote in part that, “Telling my mom could ruin my entire life.”
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