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Man drives his Mercedes through The Scrub Closet in Gainesville, still makes his hair appointment
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A man drove through a wall of The Scrub Closet on Friday, Feb. 28, in Gainesville. No one was injured in the accident, and passersby said the older driver was able to make his appointment for a haircut while he talked with police about the incident. Photo courtesy Candace Gooch.
A man drove his car through the front of a Gainesville store around 8:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 28.
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Investigator testifies in case of assisted living caregiver accused of breaking stroke victim’s bones
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Jakayha Harrison attends Hall County Magistrate Court Wednesday, March 19, 2025, for a committal hearing on charges of aggravated battery and exploitation or inflicting pain on an elderly person while working at Gardens of Gainesville. - photo by Scott Rogers
A 75-year-old man’s screams Feb. 19 grabbed the attention of the Gardens of Gainesville staff.
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