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Body found in Lanier believed to be missing Florida man
Lake search ongoing for second man reported missing since Friday
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A body believed to be a Florida man who went missing from Lake Lanier Aug. 6 has been found by Georgia Department of Natural Resources rangers.

The body found Sunday was located during a shore sweep by rangers. Forsyth County fire personnel helped in the recovery.

It will be sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab for positive identification, according to a DNR news release Sunday.

Authorities have been searching for 23-year-old Kevin Theodore Husum of Panama City, using sonar for the first several days and then performing surface and shore sweeps twice daily, the release states.

The DNR Aviation Unit also flew the area regularly as part of the search.

Husum, a former James Madison University and Gulf Coast State baseball player, fell off a pontoon boat in waters off Three Sisters Island, went under and did not resurface, witnesses have told authorities.

The operator of the pontoon, Kenneth Toller of Cumming, has been charged with boating under the influence.

The DNR Law Enforcement Division’s Critical Incident Reconstruction Team “is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident,” according to the DNR.

“That investigation is expected to take several weeks to complete.”

Meanwhile, crews are searching for another man who has been missing on Lanier since Friday.

The 29-year-old victim, who hasn’t been identified by authorities, was reported to be in the center of the channel between Aqualand Marina and Port Royale Marina, the DNR said Sunday.

“Rangers are continuing to search that area using sonar, but the 125-foot-deep water and the heavy timber along the bottom are making the search very difficult,” the news release states.

Search efforts “are primarily being conducted in the evenings and overnight due to heavy boat traffic during the day.”

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