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Brenau Academy teacher charged with sexual assault
Man was suspended from school when allegations first surfaced
0515arrest-charles agner
Charles Wesley Agner

A Brenau Academy teacher has been arrested on charges of fondling a student, the second Brenau employee accused of a sexual crime against a student in the past seven months.

Charles Wesley Agner, 41, is charged with sexual assault against a person in custody, a felony, Gainesville Police Lt. Carol Martin said Friday.

Agner is accused of inappropriately touching a 16-year-old female student on the campus of the Washington Street school sometime between August and December 2009, according to an arrest warrant.

Agner was the girl’s math teacher, according to the warrant.

Agner was arrested Wednesday and was released from the Hall County jail after posting a $10,000 bond Thursday.

In April, the girl’s parents made a complaint with Gainesville Police and Brenau officials.

Agner, who was on a year-to-year contract, was suspended when the allegations first surfaced and is no longer employed by Brenau, school spokesman David Morrison said.

In October, Brenau University biology professor Kevin Hollomon was charged by Gainesville police with child molestation. The alleged victim was a 15-year-old Brenau Academy student.

Hollomon, 41, whose criminal case remains pending, is no longer employed by Brenau.

"We take allegations of this nature extremely seriously, and I believe we have taken the appropriate steps in both instances," Morrison said.

Gainesville father, son charged with separately molesting same girl
Reymundo Castillo and Edgar Jovanny Razo
Reymundo Castillo, left, and Edgar Jovanny Razo
A Gainesville man and his son were charged with molesting the same girl separately in allegations stemming back to 2014, according to authorities.
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