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Cagle admits on audio tape he pushed 'bad' bill to sink primary foe Hill
Report comes from conversation provided by former candidate Clay Tippins
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Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle talks about his record with the media Tuesday, May 22, during his primary election party at The Chair Factory in Gainesville. - photo by Nick Bowman
Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle pushed a bill he thought was “bad” in “a thousand different ways” in the Georgia General Assembly to hurt the election chances of Republican gubernatorial foe Hunter Hill, then a state senator, according to a taped conversation released by another former rival. The revelation was made Thursday through reporting from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, which obtained audio of a discussion between Cagle and Clay Tippins, a former Republican candidate who was knocked out of the race in the May 22 primary.
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Hall, Gainesville school systems respond to Trump’s order to dismantle Department of Education
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Gainesville City School Board office, top, and the Hall County Schools District Central office - photo by Scott Rogers
President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to shut down the U.S. Department of Education.
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