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2021-2022 calendar for city of Gainesville and Hall County schools
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2021-2022 School Calendar

Hall County Schools

Aug. 3, 4-7 p.m.: Open house for middle school students

Aug. 4, 4-7 p.m.: Open house for high school students

Aug. 5, 3-6 p.m.: Open house for elementary school students

Aug. 6: First day of school

Sept. 6: Holiday

Sept. 29: School from home for high school students

Oct. 11-12: Fall break

Nov. 2: Teacher work day

Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving break

Dec. 20-Jan. 3: Winter break

Jan. 17: Holiday

Feb. 21: Teacher work day

March 25: Teacher work day 

April 4-8: Spring break

May 24: Last day of school

Gainesville City Schools

Aug. 6: Open house

Aug. 9: Open house

Aug. 10: Open house

Aug. 11: First day of school for pre-K through second grades, sixth, 9th and 10th grades

Aug. 13:  First day for all other students

Sept. 6: Holiday

Oct. 11-12: Holiday and teacher work day

Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving break

Dec. 20-Jan. 4: Winter break

Feb. 21: Teacher work day

March 14: Teacher work day 

April 4-8: Spring break

May 20: Last day of school