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Fulton County judge rules Maria Palacios does not qualify to run for state House
Democratic candidate for District 29 disqualified over state citizenship requirements
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Maria Palacios
A Fulton County Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that Maria Palacios of Gainesville cannot be a candidate for the Georgia House of Representatives because she does not meet the citizenship requirements. Palacios is seeking to represent District 29 in the state House. She was born in Mexico but moved to the United States when she was 2 months old, and her family moved to Gainesville in 1994. She became a U.S. citizen in 2017.
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Hall, Gainesville school systems respond to Trump’s order to dismantle Department of Education
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Gainesville City School Board office, top, and the Hall County Schools District Central office - photo by Scott Rogers
President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to shut down the U.S. Department of Education.
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