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How restaurants, governments plan to handle COVID restriction rollback
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Diners eat outdoors during lunch time along Bradford Street Thursday, April 8, 2021, in downtown Gainesville. Georgia’s ban on gatherings of more than 50 people in one place has been lifted per orders from governor Brian Kemp. - photo by Scott Rogers
After Gov. Brian Kemp’s recent executive order loosening COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings and social distancing, The Times caught up with local restaurants, businesses and governments to see what the changes could mean for them.
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Latest on Mulberry as the city continues to wrangle with Gwinnett County
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New city Mulberry is in Gwinnett, but it borders much of South Hall, such as on Thompson Mill Road at Duncans Lake Drive Northeast. - photo by Jeff Gill
Bills that would annex Gwinnett County land into the city of Mulberry and force the county to pay for certain costs are awaiting Gov. Brian Kemp’s signature.
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