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How Gainesville American Legion post will celebrate 100th anniversary
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American Legion Post 7 in Gainesville will celebrate the national organization's 100-year anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 17. The post is looking to memorialize local soldiers who died in action from the Gulf War to present day, by placing their names on the traveling wall, which is based in Buford. They also plan to honor the mothers of those fallen soldiers and the past commanders of the post. - photo by Scott Rogers
When the American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 after World War I, veterans in Gainesville quickly stepped up to establish Paul E. Bolding Post 7 during the same year.
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Hall, Gainesville school systems respond to Trump’s order to dismantle Department of Education
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Gainesville City School Board office, top, and the Hall County Schools District Central office - photo by Scott Rogers
President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to shut down the U.S. Department of Education.
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