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How this Gainesville company plans to give doctors new tool in fighting opioid addiction
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Pro-Genex CEO Robbie Rupard, right, and President and CEO Brett Grauss are leading the Gainesville pharmacogenomics company in starting a project that will hypothetically lead to predicting the risk level of opioid addiction with patients. Rupard was inspired by Penn State’s similar study in 2017 with a 37-person sample size. Rupard will increase the sample size to 1,000; therefore, adding more accuracy to the study. - photo by Scott Rogers
One opioid prescription can be all it takes to launch into the downward spiral of addiction.
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Hall County's Chief Appraiser was asked to resign in a letter from Commissioner Gregg Poole. Here’s why
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Hall County Tax Assessor Steve Watson speaks Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024, during a Hall County Board of Tax Assessors meeting at the Hall County Government Center. - photo by Scott Rogers
Hall County Chief Appraiser Steve Watson was asked to resign in November by Hall County Commissioner Gregg Poole and former commissioner Chairman Richard Higgins, according to a letter recently obtained by The Times.
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