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Kathy Cooper wins GOP contest for South Hall seat on Board of Commissioners
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Kathy Cooper
South Hall Commissioner Kathy Cooper fended off challenger George Thorndyke in the May 22 primary to win the Republican nomination for her seat on the Board of Commissioners.
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GBI report obtained on Hall solicitor's misuse of funds, questionable ethics
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Former Hall County Solicitor General Stephanie Woodard enters Hall County Superior Court to enter a plea of guilty to unprofessional conduct. Judge David Emerson sentenced Woodard as a First Offender to 12 months on probation. (File photo) - photo by Scott Rogers
Through interviews with Woodard’s former staff, certain trends emerged in the GBI’s investigation: allegations of misappropriated funds and double-dipping in reimbursements; questionable practices of how she ran her office; and a generally toxic work environment.
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