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Mundy Mill Academy opens with new staff, building
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Ronda Larned, a first-grade teacher at Mundy Mill Elementary, poses for a portrait in her class room in Gainesville on Tuesday. - photo by David Barnes
While other schools start the year with a few new things and faces, everything and everyone is new at Mundy Mill Academy. “My main goal is making them feel comfortable,” said Crystal Brown, who came in January to hire a staff and start planning for the new school “I hope they all realize that we’re all in the same boat. Everyone is new.
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These 17 schools in Hall, Gainesville made the state’s list of lowest performing schools
West Hall High School and Fair Street School.png
West Hall High School, top, and Fair Street International Academy, were the lowest-performing schools on the annual Georgia Promise list.
The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement has published its annual list of the state’s lowest performing public schools, and that list includes 17 schools in Gainesville and Hall County — well over one-third of all public schools in the area.
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