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Ospreys building nests near Boling Bridge
Platforms erected to encourage birds to move from bridge set for demolition
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One of the two nest platforms for Lake Lanier ospreys stands on the shore at right in front of Boling Bridge on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. Ospreys have been photographed in the area, and signs of nesting can be seen piled on both platforms near the bridge, which is being replaced.
The ospreys have landed. We repeat, the ospreys have landed — and they’re using their new nest platforms. Before the Georgia Department of Transportation removed the nests piled on the peaks of Boling Bridge, it erected two 65-foot nest platforms within sight of the fish-eating hawks’ former home. As spring approached this year, people have snapped pictures of the birds investigating the nest platforms, and on Wednesday, March 21, GDOT ferried The Times to the platforms from Little Hall Park.
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The latest on South Hall farm attraction seeking to add activities, go year-round
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Compton Bell Farms is seeking approval to add activities and operate year-round at its site off Lanier Islands Parkway in South Hall. From Hall County planning documents
A South Hall farm-based attraction that opened in fall 2024 is hoping to expand activities and operate year-round.
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