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Hall County is the top collector for fifth time in a row for Give Burns the Boot
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A shadow is cast on Hall County Fire Services' emblem at Hall County Fire Station 5 on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018. - photo by Austin Steele
For the fifth year in a row, Hall County firefighters collected the most money from residents for the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation compared to the rest of the state’s fire departments.
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What's up with grass fires on I-985 in Hall County? An expert explains
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Gwinnett County firefighters are working on three grass fires between mile markers 2 and 5 along Interstate 985, the largest being roughly two to three acres. (Charles Hill Morris Jr.) (File photo)
With multiple grass fires along Interstate 985 this year, including one on Tuesday that sent thick plumes of smoke across the roadway and halted traffic, you may be wondering what is causing these fires and whether they are more frequent than usual.
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