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Trial continues for rape suspect
Jose Aguilar
Jose Aguilar
Testimony continued Wednesday in the trial of a Gainesville man charged with rape. In addition to the four counts of rape, Jose Luis Aguilar faces two counts of aggravated child molestation, one count of aggravated sodomy and seven counts each of incest, aggravated sexual battery and child molestation. Hall County Sheriff’s Office investigator Joel Edgerton testified along with Julie Battle, forensic interviewer from Brenau University, and a therapist from the Children’s Center for Hope & Healing in Gainesville, where the alleged victim received services.
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Housing proposal off Ga. 365 in northeast Hall gets initial OK with these changes
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A 248-home subdivision has hit a snag as the developer tries to get the development approved under a new Hall County zoning category. Rendering courtesy of Hall County
The proposal was recommended for approval by the Hall County Planning Commission.
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