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Letter: Familys roadside help is an example of everyday kindness
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We read of bad events every day, but so many good deeds are done in our area. I found this out when I had a flat tire while traveling on Pearl Nix Parkway.

I was able to pull off onto a side street. It was very hot and I could tell I was about to have a senior moment. A red pickup stopped and out came two young people with their father. The dad proceeded to take care of the problem. A special jack was needed so off they went for the tool. Three other kind people stopped while they were gone. I did mention, it was hot!

My heroes returned and soon repairs were made. No money would be accepted, not even to treat the daughter and son. I made sure I got a hug from all. I believe it was the Farmer family.

Look around you, we are so blessed.

Marian V. Clark

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Editorial: Dissent should have a purpose
Americans can't expect political leaders to bridge a wide divide until we can find common ground
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Protesters gather outside of a town hall meeting Wednesday held by U.S. Rep. Doug Collins. - photo by David Barnes
Put yourself in the shoes of a member of Congress for a moment. Yeah, it may feel icky, but play along. For this exercise, set aside your political leanings for a moment and imagine you’ve been elected by a constituency that supports your views by a healthy margin.
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