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Letter: Planning board doesnt allow honest input from residents
Wayne Stradley resigned Tuesday from the Citizens Advisory Committee, which works to give citizen input to the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization.
The meeting of elected officials who compose the Policy Committee of the Gainesville Hall Metropolitan Planning Commission showed their true colors at their meeting on Aug. 8. Shortly before the meeting began, Wayne Stradley, chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee of the GHMPO, approached the elected officials with a question about the agenda for the meeting. Mike Miller, mayor of Flowery Branch and vice chairman of the Policy Committee, in response proceeded to tongue-lash Mr. Stradley in audible tones for all present to hear, saying he had overstepped his authority, accusing him of trying to ram things down their throats, and said if Mr. Stradley did not resign from the CAC, he (Miller) would ask Commissioner Billy Powell, who appointed Mr. Stradley to the CAC, to remove him.
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Editorial: Dissent should have a purpose
Americans can't expect political leaders to bridge a wide divide until we can find common ground
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Protesters gather outside of a town hall meeting Wednesday held by U.S. Rep. Doug Collins. - photo by David Barnes
Put yourself in the shoes of a member of Congress for a moment. Yeah, it may feel icky, but play along. For this exercise, set aside your political leanings for a moment and imagine you’ve been elected by a constituency that supports your views by a healthy margin.
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