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Your Views: Defeat SPLOST to stop Bufords heavy demands
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On March 15, Hall voters will have the opportunity to vote on a SPLOST for education.

I am opposed to passing this proposal at this time. So far in the current SPLOST, the Buford school system has collected about $19,000 per Hall County student. Hall County has collected about $2,600. This is outrageous!

If this referendum is defeated this time around, it may give our legislature time to correct its abject failure to stop Buford from blackmailing Hall's schools. It may also give our county school board time to develop some more fortitude in dealing with Buford's outrageous demands. The new SPLOST is even worse than the current one in this regard.

To defeat this now would give our school board time to tighten up some contracts, look for more savings and ways to spend less and improve education at the same time. It can be done!

I have proudly paid Hall school taxes for nearly 50 years. I was a soldier in the battle to get the original SPLOST education law passed.

If this SPLOST is defeated, the school board would have plenty of time to make another proposal in conjunction with a primary election next year, thus saving the cost and trouble of having these special referendums.

By the way, a one- or two-mill property tax hike is not any worse for many of us than a 1 percent sales tax, especially if prices of stuff we buy keep going up.

Jimmy Echols

Your Views: Only way to satisfy profiling foes is to increase size of police force
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The secondary headline in the Dec. 13 paper was “Sheriff, police prohibit profiling.” This is not a headline that will satisfy any concerns from the minority populations in the city. It is similar to the famous, “Go and sin no more.”
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