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Lake Lanier Fishing Report: Keep moving to find the best stripers
Eric Aldrich
Local bass angler Eric Aldrich poses with a fish he caught. - photo by For The Times
Lake Lanier’s water level rose quickly after the remnants of Hurricane Delta produced massive rains last weekend. Lake Lanier is above full pool at 1,073.65 or 2.65 foot above the normal full pool of 1071. The CORPs are pulling the high-water level back down quickly and are trying to get it down to 1069 for repairs to be made on Buford Dam.
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Lake Lanier Fishing Report: After nearly 25 years, Eric Aldrich ready to pass the baton to the next columnist
Eric Aldrich
Local bass angler Eric Aldrich poses with a fish he caught. - photo by For The Times
Contributing columnist with decades in the industry formed a love for fishing at a young age on Lake Lanier, even before moving to Northeast Georgia.
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